AI and opk. cramps after AI

Amanda • Massage therapist 💪 anime nerd 👆Pagan 🦄 Irish 🍀

My last period started December 11th and was it's normal time frame. I did AI Thursday and then again today. I was getting a lot of negative opk tests but my cervical mucus looked egg white and stretchy. I took another look this morning and it was positive so I inseminated maybe 30 minutes after that. I use the <a href="">glow app</a> and it said I wasn't supposed to ovulate until later. can anyone tell me if this opk is positive for sure? it's the darkest one I've had and I really want this last baby. I have PCOS so my cycles have been everywhere and I've had more than 6 cysts this year. Top two are from yesterday morning and evening and the third is from this morning.