Being induced


This morning I checked into hospital at 7 Am for my induction. My Dr decided since I was only 1cm dilated she would insert a Folly balloon cathedar to trick my body into thinking the baby was coming. The balloon felt really uncomfortable being put in and I bled a lot (My blood doesn't clot like it should) the balloon still feels weird. Not painful it just feels like it could fall out any minute.

The balloon will fall out on it's own once I'm 3cm dilated. The Dr told me this could be up to 12 hours and so far I've been here for 6 hours.

I'm experiencing a lot of pressure in my lower back, lower belly and butt. It comes on and off every few minutes.

When I get up to pee I always see bright red blood when I wipe, but doctor has reassured me it's perfectly fine.

My doctor told me not to eat or drink anything past midnight so as you can imagine I starving! I am allowed to eat ice chips though.

So far my doctor and nurses are really nice and make me feel as comfortable as possible ❤️