Pregnant and baby daddy abuses me what should I do

So I’m currently bawling in our bathroom after an hour drive home where my baby daddy smacked me he always puts his hands on me when he’s mad at me.. I’m 18 weeks pregnant and he was mad that we were arguing and I told him I wanted to call my dad and have him come get me then he tried to take my phone and I didn’t let him so I walked into his brothers garage to cool off but he followed me and smacked me then broke my glasses.. so it’s an hour drive home and he’s screaming at me while I’m having a panic attack in the car just wanting to get home so I can lock myself in the bathroom.. and he starts apologizing and saying he’s a shitty person but he does this every time, but I told him the next time he put his hands on me I’d leave him.. and now I’m stuck cause without him I don’t have a car, no income or a house to live in and no where to go.. what do I do because I’m currently freaking out cause I feel stuck.. the only reason I stay with him is because I’m pregnant with his baby.. and no one wants me to come stay with them cause I’ll have a baby and a cat to take care of so I feel pretty helpless right now.. I posted anonymously because I honestly just want some opinions and it’s embarrassing because I shouldn’t put my drama on here but I’m just stuck..