Missing Christmas :(


This morning started off rough. My baby woke up at 7 am to eat and fell right back to sleep. Then woke up at ten , at which point she would normally eat again but she refused. 20 minutes later, she spit up a lot ! She still wouldn’t eat after that and around 11 she spit up some nasty green bile and it sounded painful. However she was all smiles even though I was extremely worried . She nursed and took a nap, then had a nice poop. My grandma who hosts Christmas, called to tell me that everyone there is or was violently throwing up, but that she’s still hosting Christmas. It’s 5:30 now , and my baby hasn’t thrown up since this morning but she’s extremely fussy. She been chewing on her fingers , her cheeks are rosy ...Which are signs of teething but I’m freaked out she may have caught the flu at the birthday party my grandma had for me two days ago(which we spent locked in the room because she cried the whole time) .She has no fever. I’m hoping this is all attributed to teething and not the flu. She’s usually so good a calm, it sucks that we’re spending her first Christmas quarantined at home while daddy is at work . These past few days have been tuff, my birthday was a bust and so is Christmas. However, she is my favorite birthday/Christmas present ever received . I’d rather keep her safe any day .