Are you f-ing kidding me! Mil rant


So we just told my husband's family (siblings and and parents) and had several conversations about it still not being public knowledge (we told everyone separately in person the last couple days and were all together for xmas today) so it was god damn clear. What does my mil do? Posts about it of fucking Facebook! I called her when I saw it after we left, had been up for 5 hours already! then said she couldn't take it down, fb wouldn't let her 😒 really.. Finally got it down and then she texts saying she didn't know that she wasn't allowed to tell people yet 😑 We talked about this! We didn't tell grandparents when they called to talk to everyone, told both my sister in laws no when they asked if they could tell their families yet, while mil was standing talking with us. Like at the very least you ask permission before posting on fb. She did this to my sil a few months ago and got ripped a new one by her son, you'd think she would freaking learn! They want to come out to our place tomorrow too(invited themselves) and I'm not sure they will be allowed. Just zero respect.