Bless my husband

We just started TTC again, this being our third month. Last month when AF came and I was super bummed he kept saying, “it’s okay, I want a September baby anyway, I want him to share a birth month with me”. So we tried so hard this month, did everything right and AF came a day early. I was devastated, silently cried to myself and put myself back together. He got up to use the restroom, came out and gave me the BIGGEST hug and said “don’t cry, our baby just wants their birthday in the month between ours” his is in September, mine is in November. We stood in our hallway for 15 minutes just hugging and me crying.

He has no idea how much it meant to me that he knew before I even had to tell him. He knew to comfort me before I even said a word. I am so blessed to have married this man❤️