My Rainbow Baby Is here!!!


My due date was December 24, 2017, however this little guy had other plans!!

I woke up on Tuesday morning December 19, 2017, To a small gush if liquid which had a little blood!!! I immediately got concerned and called my doctors office and was told to get to labor and delivery as soon as possible!!

When I arrived at labor and delivery I found out my water didn’t actually break it was cervical fluid and irritation of my cervix as I was 1 cm dilated. They gave me the option to go home and wait it out or to be induced as an elected induction as I was 39 weeks 3 day!

I lived over an hour away from the hospital! I didn’t want to risk it! I chose to be induced! They started pitocin and something called a folly ball which is a balloon inserted into the cervix that is filled with water and tugged on which is to help to dilate faster! body and baby HATED IT ALL!!!! However it did break my water!!!

After 14 hours of extremely hard, extremely painful labor, my baby’s heart rate began to drop with each contraction.

My doctor was concerned for his health as his heart rate kept dropping, they gave me the option to do a c-section because he simply wasn’t tolerating the labor and contractions! I took the option of a c-section because it’s a no brainer I needed to make that choice for his health considering after 14 hours I was only 3cm dilated. If he was barely tolerating contractions at 3 cm, how would he possibly tolerate them at 10cm OR birth!!!

I had to wait an additional 3 hours to get my c-section as their were 4 emergency c-sections already scheduled and his heart rate was steady (for the most part). So they gave me medication to stop my labor (which only lasted 1 hour before my body went right back into labor).

They wanted me to wait for any pain control because a spinal would work much better with a c section!

He merely tolerated it and I was in agonizing pain!!

Finally I got the notice that it was time!

The c section went well, I was so scared until heard my baby’s first cry and it’s like every fear, emotion, anxiety melted away and I felt noting but pure love and joy!!!!!

Coming into this world at 6 pounds 13oz and 20 inches long is my handsome rainbow baby boy!!!!

Sawyer Monroe Blazer