My sweet girl came early


My baby girl arrived December 23rd at 8:47 pm. My due date was January 13th but I just knew she was going to be here early. My pregnancy was hard on me, terrible nausea in the first trimester turned into horrible hip and pelvic pain during the second. My third trimester I became hypertensive and my anxiety reached an all time high. I’m a vet tech so my job is very physical. I worked up until the day before I went into labor. On December 23rd I woke up feeling completely normal, no contractions or anything. My boyfriend and I did our usual morning routine of laying in bed for an hour reading news on our phones and talking. Then we had sex and I immediately started bleeding. I went into panic mode and told him to take me to the hospital. It hadn’t even occurred to me this could be my bloody show, I just thought something might be wrong and I wanted to get checked out. We got to the hospital an hour later and my nurse told me I was 6cm dilated and my baby was coming today. I was admitted and moved to my delivery room. After four hours I had reached 8 cm. I hadn’t asked for any pain relief at that point because I wasn’t even really feeling my contractions even though they were coming every 2-4 minutes. She told me now was the time for an epidural so we got that going, mainly because I was worried about the pain of delivery and didn’t want to miss my window for relief. About two hours later my OB broke my water and things got moving. I started to feel pressure in my pelvis but I found it easy to breath through. Around 8 pm the pressure started to get intense and contractions were coming back to back. I told me nurse I was ready to push. She had me wait because my doctor was in a c-section. That was really the only painful part for me, having to fight the urge to push. She was coming so fast the they decided to pull my OB out of surgery to deliver. After five minutes of pushing my baby girl made her way into the world. My nurses kept telling me how shocked they were that I pushed her out so quickly since this was my first pregnancy. I was just determined I guess. She’s healthy and beautiful and after a horrible pregnancy I’m so happy to have my little love in my arms. She’s perfect in every way and I’ve never been so in love.