My Christmas blessing

Camisha • Baby dust and blessings to everyone ❤💚💙💛💜

So I think it's safe to say I'm preggo after 17 months of TTC since a miscarriage in July 2016, God knows how blessed and happy I am for this to be happening, I was literally starting to lose myself and was starting to convince myself something was wrong with me but I see now I was actually the problem by trying to hard and always trying to compare myself to someone else, so this is what worked for me, I had bought and tried enough different pregnancy products and remedies to try and increase my chances and even tried preseed, conceive plus and different types of vitamins and nothing, long story short I was too focus on trying to have a baby and not so much attention to things and love ones I have already, so I through away all my pregnancy products and even deleted the <a href="">Glow app</a>, just last month and told myself to not think about it no more, try or track anything because it really does nothing but add more stress and pressure at times, anyways I stuck to my word and literally within a month of basically no longer TTC it finally happened on its on naturally because I was more relaxed, calm and no longer trying to force something so beautiful and precious to happen, so everyone out there TTC, seriously stop trying and thinking about it for a while including throwing out all baby product stuff or keep it locked up and completely out of sight and only focus on living your life with what you currently have..... #Babydusttoall