Finally my rainbow!

Avery • Mommy to my sweet rainbow Alison💜 and Rosie 💕

I got the best Christmas gift ever! On Christmas <a href="">eve</a> my boobs were sore and I got a Silent Migraine at a family event. I haven't had one in about 12 years. I thought it was odd and called my mom outside. She asked me when my period was supposed to start and I remembered it was supposed to start that morning and hadn't. So when I got home I took a test but I oversaturated it and it didnt work. I peed what little I had left on a clearblue right after. To my shock after 15 months post D&C; with a Endocrinologist appointment scheduled next month, there was a faint but visible line. I wasn't sure I believed it. Surely my eyes were playing tricks on me. So I showed it to my mom who is in town from NH and was with me through myI have last viability scan when we got the horrible news before. We went to Walmart with literally 10 minutes until they closed and bought more tests and digitals. I am so happy even though I feel like I should be more afraid. My first loss was the hardest most painful thing I have ever encountered. It took me to about the beginning of this month to really fully accept it. I was even starting to accept that we may never have children. I am still a little afraid of what is to come but I have told my husband that we will be happy now and stress if it comes to that. I've wanted nothing more than to be a mother and I wont let fear stop me from savoring this moment. I can't wait to meet this little bean.