I never understood a pregnant woman’s pain till now.

I’m a little tired of people telling me how to be pregnant or how I should be feeling. All the questions ( which I don’t mind ) or them questioning me 🙄 “You can’t feel the baby moving, it’s too early. Its just gas!” I know the difference between my baby and gas. It feels very different, thank you very much. There’s just something magical about that moment. Even though I’ve felt it plenty of times it doesn’t stop amazing me.

Or tell me how I should eat, “You sure you should be eating that?” I’m sorry? Everything makes me sick right now, and its rare for me to keep things down and even if I wasn’t sick, I want it, so yeah I’m going to eat it.

Or when you have to pee RIGHT NOW. I never understood the urgency till now. Holy cow. When you gotta go, You Have To Go.

I love and hate being pregnant at the same time. But I cannot wait to meet my sweet baby girl. In the end it will be worth it and you’ve got everything under control 👍🏻