This boy stole my heart ๐Ÿ’™


I can't believe he is finally here! I never thought he was going to come. It really was an amazing experience overall and I would like to share my birth story. :) At 2:30am on 12/23 I began having some cramping that woke me up every 10 minutes. I slept between them but they were too uncomfortable to sleep through completely. I didn't think a whole lot of it. At that point, I didn't think labor was ever going to come. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Around 4am they started getting stronger but still only 8 minutes apart. I woke my boyfriend up from trying to breathe through the pains and he began helping me keep track of my contractions. Around 5:30am they were about 5-7 minutes apart so I decided to take a shower in case we had to go the the hospital. I had several contractions while showering so we decided it was time to go, just to be safe. I still wasn't convinced it was true labor even though 2 days before at my doctor appt I was told I was 4cm dilated. I really expected my water to break first since my doctor said it was a bulging bag of water.

The whole 45 minute ride to the hospital I was contracting but my labor pains were tolerable to me. I expected them to be much worse. I sang to the radio on the way just fully convinced I was going to be sent back home.

We got to the hospital around 7:30am and I was wheeled to L&D.; The nurse asked a bunch of questions and checked me to see how dilated I was. She said she guessed I was 5-6cm dilated and I was shocked! "Holy crap... this is it. I'm about to have my baby!" The doctor came in and confirmed my dilation and they wheeled us off to our delivery room.

The room was a big, beautiful suite and felt so comfortable already (aside from the bed). My mom came up and so did his mom. My mom was so excited to be a part of my birth she was absolutely giddy. It was the first time she got to see a baby be born. I decided to walk around and labor before I was stuck in bed with an epidural. They recommended I get my epi since I was already 6cm. I almost refused completely because my labor wasn't too terrible so far and if this was what 6cm felt then I think I can handle it! Lol.

The nurse strongly recommended the epi though cause my water hadn't broken yet and that's when they get worse. so I agreed. When the anesthesiologist came in I was almost in tears with fear. The nurses were great in reassuring me it wasn't that painful and totally worth it. Once it was all said and done, I felt silly. It wasn't painful at all! 100% recommend! Lol. It was weird feeling my legs all numb and heavy but it really helped me rest before it was time to push.

I believe it was around 2pm that I was checked again and was at 8cm. They called my doctor and asked if he wanted them to break my water. He said no because it was about to do a c-section on another patient and wanted to be there for my delivery. So they put it off. When my doctor finally showed up and checked at 4pm, I was fully dilated and 100% effaced. By this point I was well rested and ready to get the show on the road! He broke my water, gave me 15 minutes to collect my thoughts and to prepare, and we were ready to push!

I felt the pressure in my tailbone and that's how I knew I was having the contractions to push. I bared down as hard as possible like I needed to poop and focused on my breathing. Everyone was so proud of how well I was pushing and encouraged me like crazy! 45 minutes of pushing later I felt his head pop out. That was the worst part. No pain still, just a LOT of pressure. Once his whole body passed I felt complete relief! (I don't know how women do that without an epidural but they are the true hero's! That couldn't possibly be easy!)

The doctor had him below my waist suctioning his mouth and immediately my baby boy cried out. Once I heard that first cry I lost it. I never cried hearing the heartbeat or seeing the ultrasound. Im not much of a crier. But hearing my baby cry for the first time released something inside me I didn't know I had. It was the sweetest sound!

Once his umbilical cord was cleared and my boyfriend cut it, Killian was laid on my chest and we locked eyes for the first time (I'm getting emotional here y'all.) It's a moment I will never forget! ๐Ÿ˜ญ He was all I seen at that point. This screaming, tiny human just came out of me. I made him. He is mine and I'm officially a mother!

He is the most beautiful human ever! I will never love another man like I love this boy. He has been such an angel! He sleeps well and breastfeeds perfectly! He's so perfect! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ Killian August Scott B. 6 pounds, 8 oz. 20 inches long. ๐Ÿ’™

We have had a little problem with him being congested in one nostril. I hate hearing him wheezing but hopefully it will be fixed before we are discharged today. Otherwise, he has passed all his tests with flying colors. ๐Ÿ˜€

My birthday is December 30th so he is one week before my birthday. I got the best Christmas and birthday present ever!

Merry Christmas everyone!! ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™