I Need to Rant!!!


ok so i had to work yesterday and couldn't go with my husband to his grandparents and he hardly contacted me the hole time he was gone then he leaves to go 2 hrs away to his other grandparents and back to his parents and i was getting worried bec i hadnt heard from him his parents which are an hr from me and he decides to tell me last min at 11 p.m that hes just gonna stay at his parents i was already mad bec its xmas <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a> and i havent seen or hardly from him and i called and texted him and he didnt respond so i texted his mom asking her to plz tell him to call me and all she says is hes asleep, idk how he could go to sleep that quick in 10 mins then he pulls that well today he finally calls me around lunch time wanting me toh go to his parents i told him no i want go and he said hed just come get me i said no im staying at home well he says well bye i love you i just hung up and then he goes to not texting me or anything again and he finallt just called me around 30 mins ago to say hes coming home , and hes even got to work tonight so i feel like my whole xmas <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a> and xmas day were ruined oh and not to mention he didnt get me anythimg for xmas but a blender and he got that last week so i dont count a 40$ blender as a xmas present. i just dont know what to do hes always putting me second and making me feel not important.. UPDATE , So he FINALLY gets home and wasnt here 10 mins and he went to bed and barly talked to me my feelings are broken