I’ve been on the mini-pill since July of this year, and I’ve been taking it everyday around 8am, like I’m instructed to.

However, within the last month I have forgot to take it before heading round my boyfriend’s house. We had unprotected sex and he didn’t pull out. This is what we regularly do since I’ve started taken the Pill. But I hadn’t taken the Pill that morning. I can’t remember how many times we did it like this throughout that day. But I only remembered about the Pill when I got home which was after 8pm, and outside of my 12-hour window. But I took the Pill as soon as I remembered it.

But since then I have been suffering from these tummy aches and pains quite regularly (this has been going on for over 2 weeks). They’re in my lower stomach and it honestly feels as if someone is trying to inflate a balloon in my stomach or something. I have also had a dream once that I was pregnant, not sure if this has anything to do with my pains though.

I think I should also mention that my tummy aches could simply be because I’ve been trying to eat more and gain a little weight? I’m not so certain.

I can’t say anything to either mine or my boyfriends parents however as they are both madly against Teen Pregnancies and I’m not really sure how they would react to my aches and pains.

I’m not really sure what I should do as I’ve looked up pregnancy symptoms and I have none. But I’m too nervous to take a test or see a doctor about this.

Any suggestions or advice would be muchly appreciated as I’m only 17 and need an older/experienced person to help me.

Thank you!!