Hubby Announcement!


Sooooo I had my BFP out on 12/20 and I was supposed to wait for 12/24, Christmas <a href="">Eve</a>, to tell my husband since we all celebrate Christmas that day. I was going to have him unwrap the gift in the morning. Well I just could not hold it anymore and we were going to a party that night and knew my friends would encourage me to drink. I didn’t want him to be suspicious and my friends know me too well and knew we were ttc. So he got home from work and I said “please open one of your gifts, the gold one, u might wanna wear this for tonight’s ugly sweater party.” He opened it and his reaction was priceless. He was so happy, in shock and could not believe it! 😊🙌🏼🤶🏼 he said best Christmas present ever! I had recorded it on Snapchat since I had Christmas music playing in the background, and I forgot to click save before deleting it! 😩😩 but I guess what matters is we remember lol. Anyway so excited! I’m only almost 5 weeks but I’m excited and nervous! Anyone else announce to their SO recently!? Oh and also, MERRY CHRISTMAS!! 🎁🎄👶🏼