Will I ever want kids..??


Ever since I was younger I always imagined a life of travel, luxury, and adventure. I almost never imagined a life with children. I’ve never experienced baby fever either, and I’ve been to countless baby showers, been a godmother, and even worked in the medical field with pregnant women. I’ve been married for 2 years now with a man who also doesn’t imagine a life with kids but now that I’m 25 I’m starting to wonder- when is my biological clock gonna start ticking? Will I EVER have the desire for children??

also, I should mention that I was an orphan having lost both my parents by 11 years old. I had a very rough life. Part of me feels like this is part of the reason I’m afraid to have children and then part of me feels like it’s all the more reason to have a family so that I can at least experience that mother-child bond I never did before....any advice ? By the way I make good money, have health insurance, I’m not a home owner and my car is not paid off. I don’t have any outstanding debts l.