Teething, leaping, 7.5 month old. Please help!


My son is 7.5 months, he’s teething. In the last month he got his bottom 2 front which are not 100% in yet but getting there and now he’s cutting his top front 2. He’s going through the gray part of wonder weeks (the separation anxiety phase) and has a cough. My husband has thought the cough was just drool and so did the pediatrician via phone but I think he has a little cold. He sounds congested and the cough sounds wet but like I said he is drooling BUCKETS! Anyways, lots of factors, but he’s sleeping like absolute crap. He is waking so often and won’t go back to sleep on his own or the second we set him down he won’t. He’s been able to self soothe in the past and is acting as if he totally can’t. Out of desperation at 5 am I let him sleep with me and he passes out immediately. Also, when my husband holds him lately he’s ok for a few minutes then cries and stares me down wanting me to hold him. Obviously some of this is separation anxiety which will pass but what gives with the rest? He used to sleep 9-7 in his crib. And that’s long gone out the window for like 2 months now. The best we’ve had is only one 4 am waking and I’m ok with that but nonstop is killing me and I do not want to cosleep. Any advise please!