One Sided Cramping, 24 weeks


So I’ve had a totally normal pregnancy with all the normal aches, pains, discharge, etc. I’m 24+2.

Today I woke up and about a half hour after getting out of bed I started feeling these cramps like I’m gonna get my period. Clearly that’s not happening. As the day has gone on the cramps have continued but a really localized to the lower right side and kind of radiate into my vagina. I off and on feel like I have to pee or poop but I’ve already done both today. (I know lots of peeing comes with the territory now haha). I took a long hot shower and it made me feel better but now the cramps are back. I’m feeling lots of movement from the baby. No bleeding. No extra discharge. But I am SO UNCOMFORTABLE and kind of in pain.

Baby has been in breech position since forever. Could she be moving? Is this just localized round ligament pain? I’m starting to get nervous. I feel like every time I call my midwife she’s like “come in” but I’m out of state visiting family. Also cramping during the second trimester is normal. Is anyone else having issues like this?