Shy,but finaly acted chill,proud :D


So,we had pre-Christmas party,all people from college were at it.

I'm usually super shy,and don't dance or anyting,but this night I have loosen up a little ,had few cola+wine glasses (that is pretty much only thing I drink ☺️) and I felt good.

My college mate (found him super nice,and I like him (as a person) ,he looks quite good too.) asked me to dance,and we did,we made true show,It was fun,all the others started claping with their hands and cheered and wanted us to dance more.

First time in my life I was at the center of attention,and felt so good.

I also wore nice outfit,and make up. ☺️

I woud like to update the video,but it seems to me that I can't do that on this site. :/

I girl who works in my college,made a video were we danced and since she knows my family showed it to them..

Since they are super strict I thougt they are gonna say smthg bad,but totaly oposite,they told me I danced pretty good,and asked who was the boy xD (and If he is going to be their son in law.)🙈😂😂