blurry spots in vision.


Im currently 35 weeks pregnant and just today started having these colorful spots in my vision along with a headache. the eye floater things will go away but my vision still seems off. I don't have GD and my blood pressure has always been normal at my appointments. I called and the nurse said it's normal and it's nothing to worry about but I can't help but feel off. I don't want to call and ask if I can be seen during office hours but I also dont want it to be something and it just be brushed off. I've contemplated on just going to L&D; and get checked out there. my sister who is a labor and delivery nurse in a different county says I should call and ask to be seen today before the office closes and if they can't see me today to tell them im gong to L&D; to get checked bc I've had one of my doctors practically yell at me when I didn't go in and get seen after having a headache for 4+ days. so in your opinion should i call back to the office and see is they can squeeze my in to be seen today or should I just go to L&D; instead