If men only knew...

Caroline •

How do you explain men in your life: periods 🙌🏼 and how menstrual cramps feel like?

It took me a long time to explain my dad why I’ve been laying in bed for 3 days straight and he would tell me to get up and stopped being lazy , he did not believe the pain I was going through, so one day I got up and grabbed a knife and as I was explaining, he could picture the actual pain as I described in detail , it was like literally slicing a layer of skin off my uterus. He finally got it , not the same day I explained but when I got it so bad the next month I was unconscious on the couch I couldn’t even speak , he got so scared he called my aunt (his sister) he didn’t know what to do , he ran to the closest pharmacy and got me some medicine, 15-20 min later the pain was at a 3 on a scale from 1 -20 , it was relief for me.

But now... I have to do the same and I’m having a hard time to explain my husband the same thing.

I called in sick at work today and he thinks it’s an excuse to stay home 🙄

I mean, is there a way we can make them realize it’s not an excuse , that some women get it pretty bad , my aunts passed out at school when they were younger.

My husband and my dad grew up with brothers and 1 sister. Back in the day periods weren’t a “let’s talk about it” topic with the parents , with moms yea I understand... it’s so frustrating cause he doesn’t believe me , like , dude my hands are shaking, I look pale AF.

The funny thing is when he gets sick (like once a year) he’s literally dying because of a simple fever, omg Becky!!

🙄🙄🙄 If men only knew...

Thank you for reading and let me know what you think or what you have done to explain dad or boyfriends, or husbands lol

I know some men understand.