What would you do ?

So my So and I just found out his mom owes him 5000$ from his tax refunds.

We found out cause we are trying to buy a house and we had to get and give his last year taxes. He's 37yo and let her do his taxes in another state, he trusts her so he didn't bother looking at it.

She's in Real estate in Arizona, told us we won't qualify to buy a house because he owes 5K on a credit card / she made him buy a house last year to get the equity but he paid it and she cashes rent on him ! For having our airbnb ..

We aren't married and I don't wanna get involved in his family business, but I think I'm discovering something I don't like about her.

My mom would never had let me pay rent if it was to help me out or live on her property, I would have just paid Edison / water power !

We have a little girl and would like to buy our house, in the mean time I am getting my real estate license but I feel like her look at it is really interested ?! ( for my commission since 2 of her other kids are trying to buy as well ).

I'm not making any drama and I don't want to, so I'm not bringing it up cause I don't wanna stand between them, but I think she is paying herself from them or him, while telling us we won't qualify when we should, just because of the business she is making him do, presented as smart, i feel like she is just no helping us like she's saying...

What do you think ??