
Alright, I'm lost on what to do. My boyfriend has been acting weird as fuck for the past 4 days or so. I sent him a message explaining how I've been feeling about our relationship, you know, the whole "you can do this but you can't spend an hour out of your time with me, being we haven't seen each other in nearly 2 months" yada. He went nearly 2 full days without responding because he was "thinking about what to say"

So at this point I'm like "we can drop the subject, as long as you understand where I'm coming from" and he says "we're not dropping it, you brought it up so we're going to talk about it." I'm like "okay" mind you, his responses are spaced out, I'm talking about HOURS. I know he works today but he's normally off of work by now and I still haven't heard from him. He normally texts me good morning/good after noon and asks me how my day was. Nothing. I'm not sure what to do because I give him his space, I'm not clingy, I don't even ask for anything except for his time and effort. Y'all I need help. I want this relationship to work out. Should I continue to give him space? What do I do?

edit: I forgot that everything was fine up until this point. We were talking about Christmas gifts and everything.