Do I go back to my ex? (Read description)

This is long and Im so sorry but if you could give your opinion that would be grand. Okay so, my ex is my highs chopped sweetheart I guess you could say, we have had many breakups and all that but always end up back together, now a couple of years ago we was going to have sex... When he couldn't get it in, so we gave up and it did happen which then started more arguments and rumours about us. In August a week before my 16th (I know young regret life) we was at the same house party we were drunk all that good stuff, when we all decided to go to bed and OF COURSE we stayed in the same bed, at this point it was 3/4AM when I stripped (I find it difficult to sleep in clothes other than bra and pants) it and went to sleep which then ended in us having sex so fun times. We stopped speaking after that as we went to different colleges and it all ended on a argument, the last time we spoke was October. He popped up a couple of hours ago apologising for everything that happened and I apologised to, then the conversation took a turn into talking about what happened in August, now he wants to know if I want "round two" but if I'm honest I would because a part of me will still love him I guess but then I don't know I want to move on and all that. So I'm stuck on what to do... Help?

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