Possible set up for sexual assault?


**im thirteen

Joshua (my boyfriend) and I were hanging out at this mall behind my house. We were alone. Both of us were looking out the window and I’m hugging him from behind, and the owner of the mall walks up behind us. His name is Ray. Ray seems like a cool dude, he’s on our side, right? He says, “Tell you guys what. At 3, meet me at the basketball court (right behind the mall) and I’ll make sure no one is here. You can have the mall all to yourself.” Cool deal! So we meet him at 2:55, and Ray let’s us in.

He brings us to this room in the mall upstairs, one ive never been in before. Ray says he’s turned off all the upstairs cameras and not to go downstairs because there’s still a lady working. No one knows we’re there. Ray asks for our age (and we make the mistake to actually tell him), then asks us this: “So you guys gonna fuck?” I was completely shocked. He asked again. I said “No, that’s completely illegal to have sex in a public area.” Ray said that this room isn’t public and told us to ‘have at it’.

Ray basically told us to have sex in his hidden room in that essentially abandoned mall. After a few seconds Ray left to a smaller room within that one, like an office. The walls and door was very thin. I immediately whispered to Joshua that we should leave. Ray had locked the door so it took a few minutes to unlock it and quietly leave.

Had I mentioned that man had a loaded gun? (however he didn’t pull it on us).

It was certainly a chilling experience and I’m not sure what to do or how to cope. That mall is right behind my house. Ray is there everyday. I’m worried that the cameras outside the mall might be watching my house as well. What can I do?

~~Edit: we called the police and they’re running a background check on him. I just want to know how to cope.. thanks guys ✨~~