Baby walkers dangerous!!

Sooo I was desperately wanting to get a walker for my son because he is 10 months old and still can't crawl like most babies I know. (His older sister didn't need one and walked by 11 months) Plus we have wood floor all over the house so sometimes the floor is wet or find stuff easily. I swear he finds the littlest things on the floor and tries to put it in his mouth. So Finally, my husband got him a walker, WELL this boy runs in that thing all over the house. He has bumped into stuff, has easy access to walking to my vases and breaking them, has knocked a frame down from the wall on him. Thank God it didn't fall on his head. Until 2 days ago, he was reaching for something and he ended up pulling himself towards it and fell head first with his walker 😩😩😩 he cried so hard I was so concerned I took him to the ER to get his head checked out. Luckily, he got a minor scratch but he did get a small bump on his head. Ladies, I'm a busy mom of 3 and always have something to do around the house. I am always watching him though and I turned away for not even 2 min when this happened. I've been looking up for similar incidents online and I found out that in Canada walkers are banned for these kinds of reasons, Correct me if I'm wrong? But I saw an article where mothers also shared their stories about their babies who died from falling down the stairs in a walker or having a brain injury from a fall. I consider myself lucky my boy is alive. You can never be too careful. Just thought I'd share.

EDIT: For those saying Walkers aren't dangerous, this was MY experience and that's why I thought I'd share with other moms. My son is a big boy for a 10 month old, he weighs 30lbs and is pretty tall too. He's naturally a very strong fella for him to be able to pull himself towards big objects you wouldn't think of for him to fall from a walker. Also, we are ALL ABOUT BABY PROOF in our home. We try our best to get things off the floor and maintain a clean home. Which has nothing to do with him falling from the baby walker, like I said he's pretty strong enough to pull himself or even with a fast turn he is able to make this walker go down while him being in it. If walkers are good for your child, then by all means use it. Just not mine 🤗