33 wks - Spent Christmas Eve in L&D


On 12/24, I was exactly 33 weeks. I get this awful bout of sickness about once a year where I vomit excessively, accompanied by a lot of upper abdominal pain. It struck me in the evening and after my fourth time vomiting, I had my hubby drive me to ER. Once they noticed I was pregnant, they sent me to Labor & Delivery. This is my 3rd pregnancy and the 1st time I've ever been to L&D; prior to labor! They monitored baby and quickly discovered I was contracting every 3-4 min. I had abdominal pain, but I thought it was just due to the vomiting. They gave me a shot to stop the contractions and got me on an IV to hydrate me. I was on my way home after 3 hrs... just in time to stuff stockings. What a crazy night! I asked the nurse if I would have just stayed home and toughed it out, if my contractions would have eventually stopped.. she responded, "Yes, eventually... after you had your baby..." 😮 Glad I went in! Just wanted to share my recent experience. P.S.. L&D; nurses are angels! So thankful for their kindness and the dedication they put forth!