Advice? Feeling sad..

Note: I am gonna post this anonymously because I don’t want people know who I am and I’d rather not get hate and also keep in mind this guy doesn’t live in this area half of his family does as they’re divorced.. also I’m aware how long this is but I definitely need advice..

So Christmas <a href="">eve</a> I went to this really big jump even for 5 hours and what not.. I walk by and I see this cute guy and I think to myself “damn he’s cute I should tell him.. since it’s the holidays he won’t ever see me again..” although I didn’t tell him.. maybe about 30-45 Minutes his younger brother comes up to me and say “hey! You see my brother over there?.. yeah well he thinks you’re really cute! Wanna go talk to him” and my reaction was all my anxiety and was like “thanks.. and uhh i guesss...” I felt terrible but me being me I put myself in a position for him to talk to me. I know it sounds bad but if he likes me he’ll talk to me so I sit near his brother moments later they switch seats and then he decides to talk to me. Maybe about 20 minutes go by and we get yelled at for sitting down (cause we were in an area were we kinda needed to be jumping) so we jumped together ahah then we got water and like he asked for my Snapchat and I gave it to him and as we were walking by his brother gave him this kind of look

I didn’t think much of it but he wanted I guess to “show off” (if you wanna say that) his flips into a foam pit and then all of the sudden I got super dizzy so I told him and we sat down on like some picnic bench and he moved in closer and closer and like BARELY just barely put his hand on my back and was like “hey let’s take a picture together” and of course I looked like a sweaty mess but I took one anyway and then all of the sudden he’s all like “you’re so pretty. You know that” and like I disagreed with him but then we kinda jumped again and then I got incredibly dizzy (huge headache as well) so we went up to the area above the trampolines (Kinda above it) and like I sat kind of an awkwardly distance apart but he scooted closer and all of the sudden next thing you know his arm is around me and then like he kinda puts his hand barely on my butt (not even my full on butt but like lower back very close to my but) and like I’m the corner of my eye I just see him give me this stare as if he’s looking at something to do beautiful (if you know what I mean) and I had a gut feeling if I would’ve looked at him he would’ve kissed me so I kinda just ignored it.. I lean on just a tiny bit closer. At this point I was sooo tired and wanted to sleep and rest my head on his chest just cause but self control.. and like his grandma comes up and he said something like “yeah I’ll be right down” apparently the 5 hour thing was about over.. so we continue to “cuddle” if you even wanna call it that cause I was kinda on my phone because I’m an awkward person and my anxiety doesn’t like me to talk at times.. then all of the sudden his brother comes up and like he quickly gets up and asks for a hug and I walk back down with him and talk a little more and he told me he’ll chat with me later..

fast forward to 3 hours later- I decided to tell him this “hey I’m not trying to come off too strong but I think your cute too” and he replied with “I’m glad” then I got another text and he said “not to come off to strong either but you got a fat ass”

I didn’t take offense I’ve been told I’m thick.. I just have a nice but and decent thighs.. not really much.. so then like later on fast forwarding to today he’s been leaving me on open a lot since after the thing every time I’m ALWAYS left on open when I say “Hru” I finally found out why and I feel terrible and he might move down here but he might not.. and like idk what to do but yesterday we kinda talked and he said to me “your so cute” but idk if he’s tryna mess with my feelings now because like occasionally he’ll leave me on open so I usually start the convo..

but anyway what do you guys think should I go for it? I would also like your opinions on this

Thanks everyone

(Note: we are both pretty young I’m 16 and he’ll be 16 in two weeks)

Anyone wanting to know why I’m feeling sad it’s cause I kinda feel Like he’s messing with me now but I need your advice