Crazy sex

Me and my boo been together for a little over 3ish months. He’s amazing lol. I met him at my job (he was a customer) and we’ve been together since. He gives me this look Like the “give me that kitty” look. I know y’all know about that look 😂 and for the most part we end up going at it like wild animals but lately he’s been giving it to me like at weird times. Like i was looking for something to wear at the mall and long story short he ended up giving me back shots in Macy’s 🤷🏾‍♀️. We’ve done it damn near anywhere we could. Christmas just pasted and he gave me the look and we were at my moms house so we did it in the car. We have sex at his house of course and I love having sex with him and doing it in crazy places. I was telling my friend and she said that it’s immature and inappropriate for us to be doing all this and we haven’t even made it to the 6th month mark and we’re moving too fast. Is she right? I’m 21 and he just turned 30 lol.