I don’t know how to feel!!

Long story short, my husband and I got married in April this after dating for six months. I honestly felt like I was head over heels, shortly after, things declined rapidly. He just didn’t seem satisfied enough and with the stress of his family not being very nice to me made him very distant. Shortly after, his bm didn’t let him see the baby anymore because she was jealous (I kid you not.) He really pushed having a baby together and I was all for it but with the way things were going with us a child wouldn’t fix us. He was going out more, I’ve caught him in lies and I’ve never had an issue trusting him but he just started slacking like a lot. I really tried begging him to just be with me, love me and he was just so far gone. He left mid October and it wasn’t up until after thanksgiving that he realized he really wants to work things out. He’s disrespected me in ways I don’t think I’ll ever forgive him. I now know we got married way too soon and he’s just not the man I wanna spend the rest of my life with. I’ve made it very clear to him how I feel. So during our split I’ve been having sex with my son’s father (not my husband obv). And I’ve just haven’t been feeling well so I bought a pregnancy test... 3 actually and here I am with 3 positive results. I don’t know how to feel. I’ve been trying with my husband for almost 6 months and the minute we break up I get knocked up by an old boyfriend. I just wanna hide in a closet forever. I know children are blessings so there is no way I could ever abort. I just wanted to get this all out to someone, anyone. I think I just need a hug.