Disagreement on having a baby


This one is tough on me. my husband and I have been married for 3 years. together for 5. I have 2 children from a previous relationship and he has one from a previous relationship. I had 2 back to back miscarriages in 2014. it devastated us both. he was ecstatic when we first found out we were pregnant. for the past year, that has been our biggest argument. he says he doesn't want anymore children and I want 1 more. we are both very stubborn. he is not the type to sit down and have a serious talk about this. just states that he doesn't want to go thru the infant stage all over again. one month he will randomly go inside of me, I'm not on birth control, then the next he doesn't. this is not something I am willing to let go of. we are both getting older(33 and 34) and I'm just curious how married couples decided on a decision like this. when neither one is budging or willing to agree.