Help! Friend Crisis!

I’m asking for a friend because I think she may be a little delusional. Maybe this guy loves her but sometimes he doesn’t show it.

Ladies, how would you feel if your bf had pictures of naked Instagram models and sexual videos of his exes on his phone and computer?

How about if you told him how much it bothers you and he said he would remove them but never did?

How would you handle his “ex companion” (a girl who used to stay there and fuck him) still having the key to his house after you started dating?

What about him going to comic con with this companion after you felt strongly about it but all he cared about was not wasting the passes?

Then let’s say he has a male friend he talks to and that male friend always in his ear talking negatively about you and your man who’s supposed to have your back agrees with him.

Would you be upset if you two used to be together every day and then he starts to become distant? You’re only seeing him for about one or two days a week and sometimes it’s only for 20 minutes?

It broke my heart when she told me she’s pregnant with his baby because he hasn’t really been around to emotionally support her. She gets stressed with juggling college and her son but her bf promised her he would be there. My friend thinks he’s cheating on her and I want to say I agree but that would crush her. I don’t know what to do at this point because she really loves him but I don’t think he feels the same. I don’t want to encourage her to do it alone because it’s going to be difficult. I’m stuck as to what advice to give her.

No rude advice please, remember I’m trying to talk to her as a friend. Thank you in advance!

*Going on I think six months they have been together.*