very strong positive! *update*

Alexandria • 💙4/10/18 👼💙 HELLPS Survivor

I have been on Tri-sprintec since I was 13 (23 currently) due to dysmenorrhea. My body must've gotten used to the pills when I was about 21 because my cramps were coming through. And bad. like call off work because of passing out and throwing up the pain was so bad. So then my doc and I decided I'd try Skyla (smaller version of Mirena). well that made my pain even worse. So back to the pills I went... a few months go by with which I decided to switch docs (the one I was seeing was leaving practice soon and I honestly didn't care for him much).

August this year (22 yo) I switched to Nexplanon with help from my new doc (I absolutely love this woman!!) and holy cow do I love this thing!!! And yes I talked to my boyfriend as this also effects him.

During The time when my body was getting used to the new hormones, we were SUPER CAREFUL! Like pulling out with a male condom being used. 😂

Well yesterday his mom came through my line at work and told me how she had had a dream about her son and I having a little one. I didn't give it much thought. My bf has 2 currently and unfortunately the mother won't allow him nor his family to see them (going through visitation court processing). Figured she just missed them ya know?


Hold. the. eff. up!!!!

I play it off an tell her maybe in the next few years that may happen.

I clock or and make a bee line for the family planning. I bought $50 worth of tests. all different kinds. Equate, clear blue, the cheap $1 test, first response. all of em.

I get home and boyfriend is asleep. I curl up next to him and he asks me how my day was. I tell him it was good and what his mom told me. he shakes his head and says "don't get any ideas." He knows I have really bad baby fever hahaha.

Woke him up for work this morning. sent him off for the day. Get my cup and all the tested, read the directions, do my business.

NOT EVEN 30 SECONDS for EACH test and BOOM!! BAM!! BANG!!!










I've been pregnant one other time and unfortunately never got a strong positive (vvvvf) nor enjoy my pregnancy as I lost it only 2 months in due to an abusive partner when I was 16 (wouldn't let me take my pills if you wonder how that happened).

But y'all!!!! after paying for a man to be my parents in everything, a good man, a family man, a protector, and best friend, I finally found him and now we are having a child together!! I can't contain my happiness!!!


OMG Y'ALL!!! Just got out of my doctor's office! Reason I got a strong positive on every test.... I am 12 weeks along... holy... crap...

My doc said at the beginning that I would've been her first ever fail with Nexplanon in 15 years!

After the ultrasound we looked back at dates. Mind you I hadn't had a period since early August mind you, but my periods have always been irregular. always. even with bc taken very carefully daily.

That being said though... I would've had to ovulate the day my implant was placed or the day after. So! Our little bean is expected to arrive July 11th, 2018. ❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙