When are you announcing?


Hi ladies!

I’ve read many different posts on women announcing at different times and I know that it’s ultimately up to my husband and I but I would just like to hear some feedback. I am currently 10 weeks, 2 days. We have announced to both of our families and most of our close friends. My thought is, now that those closest and dearest to us know, why not announce publicly on social media? This is my first and I’m trying to stay positive and want to enjoy my pregnancy. I’ve had an ultrasound which we saw the baby and heard and saw the heartbeat and then yesterday at my 10 week appointment, we heard the heartbeat again on the Doppler. So I guess my question is: do you think it’s too soon to announce publicly? When are you (or have you) announcing? I would just like some opinions. I don’t want to regret announcing too soon but like I said, since we have told most of those closest to us, I feel that we may as well make it public. Thanks in advance for any input!