am I wrong for saying no??


I need advice... I recently took my 6 week old to my aunt's house for Christmas and it was past his bedtime so he was livid! He was thrashing and crying and I was trying to sooth him put him in his pack and play in a room by ourselfs and as soon as I walked in everyone hounded me wanting to see him and wanting to hold him I told everyone he's very cranky let me calm him down and someone can hold him (there were only 10 people there) every respected me except my 90 year old grandma.... who from the moment I walked in said let me hold him so you can eat and I stated im just going to calm him down then you can hold him... she followed me into our quiet room where I was trying to calm him down insisting to hold my baby and calling people into see him trying to calm down... then I went into the living room because he started to calm down she proceeded to sit right next to me demanding to hold him every 5 minutes... I kept telling her as soon as he relaxes she can hold him she wasn't having it. my mom (who my son sees every day) offered to take him for a moment and my grandma said no I'm next to hold him!... she is also 90 and can't hold him close and can't close her hands all the way so she doesn't handle my 6 week old right.... I left after 10 minutes because it was to much for my baby and she was angry. I'm so mad at her I feel she didn't respect me as a mother when my baby is really cranky he needs his mommy or daddy god forbid she dropped him when he was thrashing.... one of my cousins told me I should have let her hold him because "she's 90 and it's his great grandma " but that's my son I'm very protective of my 6 week old baby... feel bad though but I'm still mad am I wrong???