Changed my mind! Help!


My son is 14 weeks today. Due to colic and reflux, i quit nursing early because we were experimenting with different formulas to see if he had allergies. I pumped during this time just in case.

He nursed like a champ the first 3 weeks and gained 2 lbs in that time. It was awesome until he was so fussy he couldn’t stay latched. I went to exclusively pumping then.

Then I got sick 3 times in 2 months and my supply went down a TON. I was super sick for a long time. I was only getting 1 oz every 3 hours each side. So I decided to quit 2 days ago.

Now I regret it and want to get back to it! It’s been 36 hours since I last pumped. My son normally won’t nurse but sometimes when i try we’re successful. Ultimately I’d LOVE to go back to nursing, but at this point I’d just be happy to get my supply back. I have Mother’s Milk tea and am going to power pump, but if anyone has any other advice/ideas I’d love to hear them!