Test tonight or wait?

My period isn't due until anywhere from the 30-1st. I had my last period Dec 1st-4th. I just have a feeling this month but I don't want to get my hopes up. No symptoms at all, besides the recent few pinch pains in my lower stomach, not at all like period cramps though. I also noticed my back start having sharp pains starting yesterday on and off. I am SOOOOOO horny, like more than ever it's nuts TMI sorry 😆. No spotting or anything just normal white CM. And what really blew my mind was my mom mentioned a week ago that she had a dream the night before that i was pregnant! She laughed it off because she has no idea i am TTC but that was right around when I ovulated. I haven't taken a pregnancy test in months, I always tell myself to wait until my period is due & it always shows up. I just have a feeling to test this month. Thoughts?