So lost..


My husband and I have been together for 3 years. We have 1 child together and one on the way. But he has a son from another relationship and I have a daughter from a previous. . It’s all fine and dandy. I just don’t know what to do anymore though... he literally sleeps all day. He fell asleep at 6 pm Christmas Day slept all day yesterday (missing work) and then slept half the day today... like how does 1 person sleep that much. He is so lazy I have to ask him to do everything. He won’t just notice it and take care of it himself. It’s seriously life or death for him. Then to top off everything. He took my car, on Christmas <a href="">Eve</a> while it was snowing pretty good and wreaked my car down the street from my house. So now I don’t have a car. I am broke because he took the last money I had out of my wallet and can’t find it. I have told him he needs to figure out a car situation for me for when school starts up again on tuesday. And he just says oh I’ll get it taken care of, and falls back asleep. I have been on the phone constantly with the insurance people to get it figured out and he just gets so sit back and do nothing. I hate talking about him like this but I am full of anxiety, stress and just down right anger. I get that the car was an accident but I think he needs to put a foot in and actually help with something. But no he will sleep all day to avoid anything and everything. Then... his ex texts me blowing up on me calling me a bitch because he won’t wake up to take her calls. Ugh why am I the walking beating stick here. I got in an argument with him earlier and he just says tell me what you want me to do.... ummmmm grow the fuck up dude. That’s what I want. Sorry I needed to vent. It’s been festering