Polyhydramnios.. looking for stories

Danielle • 4th pregnancy. 1 miscarriage. 5 year old girl and 2 year old boy. 💙💖 Due January 2018!

I’m 37weeks and 3days and was told yesterday my fluid levels were ridiculously high. My fluid levels have been bordering high since my anatomy scan around week 20 but always stayed on upper limits of “normal”, they were upper limits of normal at my 32 week sono and now theyre at a 30! They said it could be a one time fluke like the baby peed right before sono or measurements are off. They said they’ll do another sono next week and if my levels are still high they’ll discuss options. My baby checked out fine at his anatomy scan, I dont have GD and my pregnancy has been pretty normal/healthy. Baby measured 8lb 1oz yesterday too. (They were not surprised as my last son was 9lb 3.5oz at 39w1d). Does anyone have stories about their polyhydramnios?! Please share both good and bad!!