So there’s this boy I’ve been talking to the last 4 months, he’s 17 and I’m about to be 15. I go to a really small school so it just kinda happened. So he was really into me and would text and call me all the time and always complimented me and we were walking one night w some friends and we were all over each other that night pretty much (making out, touching) and we went off by ourselves and we kinda had sex but it didn’t make anything awkward we just liked each other more so we staring going out more and I’d sneak out and we’d see each other. The longer it’s been the less he talks to me but when we’re together it’s always unforgettable. Most ppl say he just wants sex but I can tell him no and hes fine w it and it’s not all about sex when we’re together so should I keep talking to him or drop it