Christmas Gifts from Santa


My husband and I decided before we even had our daughter that when Christmas came Santa would only be bringing her one or two gifts with the remainder of the gifts (still only a couple) coming from us. While we can afford to get her plenty of gifts we don't want one day for her to be at school telling her friends about what Santa brought her and someone less fortunate wondering why Santa didn't get them as many gifts. The problem is that my MIL got my daughter about 6-7 gifts from Santa this year. Her cousins are ridiculously spoiled (15 months and turning 3 years January) and got about 75 gifts between the two of them and God knows how many were from Santa. My husband has no problem telling Grandma to reign it back on the gifts from Santa but how do we as our daughter gets older explain the disparity between how many gifts our child gets from Santa vs her cousins.