Babysitting problems. **UPDATED**

So I babysit my 1 year old niece and have since she was a new born, my sister always says she will pay me 20 a week and so far nothing. She has a good job works extra hours and all that she just never pays me. I am a teenager and I can’t get a job because I am not 16 yet but I want to start saving up my own money I am wearing hand me downs, using dollar tree makeup, and dealing with being insecure. I’d like to be able to start saving money so I can actually feel my age. I know I may sound greedy but I just am so upset that everyone my age has all these things and I am wearing the same pair of jeans everyday.


I have quit being her babysitter she knows how much day care costs and was getting off pretty cheap with me. She is verbally abusive (I won’t get too far into that) and I am tired of being treated like I’m worthless. I am moving out of her house and back in with my parents. I know I am a bomb ass babysitter and love my niece but when it feels like a chore when babysitting my niece and taking such a toll on my mental health I can’t do it. She will have to either start paying me and being nice or pay more for daycare. I am going to have my mom put an ad up on Facebook for a babysitter on weekends and after school and I’ll work for people I don’t know rather than my own sister.