Praise yourself!


Come on November 16 mommas, lets take a moment and praise ourselves as mothers. Wether it’s something you do great in general or a specific circumstance you did well in, let’s share it. And remember one women’s praise is not a criticism against you we are unique mommas cuz we have unique babies. I’ll go first:

My son has been sick for several days, on Boxing Day we were at the hospital with him and it turns out he has pneumonia. We started antibiotics. Honestly at this point I was upset, this was supposed to be my week of “vacation” I’m off work but daycare was open and I was gonna have some days to myself for the first time since he was born, it’s not a big deal though when your son is sick (especially that sick you just do what you gotta do),but I’m not gonna lie I was disappointed. Then yesterday morning his antibiotics hadn’t quite kicked in and he was still soooo sick. His fever had been 104.5 the day before was now 105, I’ve never seen a fever like that before, the nurses line said he was ok as long as he was hydrated, responsive and not struggling to breath. And then he started throwing up all over the bed, and himself and me. So I wiped him down, stripped the bed and got us in the bath, and as I walked through my house and saw the disaster that was never taken care of since Christmas <a href="">Eve</a> entertaining, Christmas Day celebrationsand two days of sick baby I felt overwhelmed. And then I say I’m that bath as my baby clinged to me crying and I cried too, I cried because I truly felt like someone was stamping my heart outside of my body, not because I had so much to do once he got better and not because my “vacation” plans were ruined, but because seeing my boy like that was the worst pain ever, and I’m that moment I felt like a good mom, I felt like I do care enough about my child, I felt like I really am giving him my heart and soul.

So let’s hear it, doesn’t have to be this big, but I think we always feel like we should give more, love more, do more, be more patient. What makes you feel like you’re enough? Because you are exactly enough for your little one.