The saddest Christmas 😭


Long story short.. Found out im pregnant on the 18.12. 4 days of happiness and than on the 22nd the bleeding started... 23rd end up at the ER everything seemed fine, my hcg was 35 so stilk hopefull. But than the bleeding increased and cramps started for few hours. On the 28th had an early scan and blood check my hcg was only 51... So they booked another blood check for tomorrow but with my heart i know that there is no hope anymore... Im still bleeding... My FRER yesterday was so dark but today seems a bit lighter... The worst Christmas in my life.. We have been TTC for 2 years, i had a chemical back in april.... I don't know how to coop at this point i feel so lost 😭😭😭😭😭 and i don't wanna talk to hubby anymore as he is so upset as well.... 😭😭😭