How I️ Was Deemed a 16-Year Old Cougar (A long, but funny story)

Over the summer I️ met this boy (let's call him "Jake") who I️ immediately thought was really cute. He was super tall and built, so I️ was into it. We were both working at a summer camp nearby, but I️ had never met him before despite him saying we were in the same grade. I️ live in a really big town/city, so I️ dismissed this fact and let my naive, teenage ways take over.

And let's just clarify this from the beginning - things between us escalated really fast.

He ended up leaving the summer program early for some reason or another, so I️ had literally seen him like 3 times in person. After he left however, we spent a lot of time texting. During this texting-period, he told me he had left because he was going to California to stay with some friends for a few weeks. I️ was all like, "That's sketchy... why are you going across the country again?" To which he explained that he used to live there and I️ again, stupidly, was so into him I️ just accepted this.

So it’s the day he lands in California, exactly two weeks after we met for the literal first time, and he asks to FaceTime because he misses me. I’m ecstatic because - duh, cute boy wants to FaceTime! I️ come home from camp and clean up and blah blah blah, then finally FaceTime him. He's by himself and we talk for about an hour and it’s really nice. Then, "Jake" stops for a moment and is all of a sudden like - "I️ think I️ love you."

You can imagine the kind of terror I️ felt then. I️ didn’t know what to say! I️ was into him but not that into him! I️ hardly knew him.

So I️ told him. I️ said, “Jake, you don’t love me. You hardly know me.” But he was so persistent. He just kept saying “But I️ do, I️ do, I️ know I️ do.” (By the way, what the heck Jake? Didn’t you see how uncomfortable I️ was!?)

Naturally, I️ did the only thing I️ could think of at that moment. I️ said - “Gotta go, my mom’s calling.”


I️ was so weirded out, I️ didn’t talk to him for a day or two. Finally however, my stupid teenage mind convinced me that I️ still liked him, because albeit he did jump into things, but he was still nice, and chivalrous, and most importantly, cute.

So I️ finally text him back and he responds like - immediately. It was weird. He asks to FaceTime again. I️ agree. Mistake number two.

When he called me, he apologized and was all like, “I’m sorry I️ weirded you out blah blah blah, but I️ do love you and I️ won’t take it back.”

So I️ just said, “Yeah. Okay, whatever man, but I️ won’t say it tp you.” He accepted his fate and we moved on.

Now may I️ clarify we never actually said we were dating? At this point, we must’ve know each other for three weeks, yet he was saying he loved me and was beginning to get a bit ‘rated R’ in his texts. I️ wasn’t looking for a dude to just hook up with, and even if I️ was, he was across the damn country! I️ think we both knew we were into each other, but nothing was ever said firmly and it was then I️ realized that shit needed to slow down.

One fateful day, I️ was hanging out at my friend’s house, when she was like, “Have you stalked him yet?” I️ said no, and she replied, “I’ll do it.”

That night I️ was laying in bed, texting Jake when I️ got a text from my friend. She said, “You need to call me right now.” So I️ did, and when she picked, she was laughing. I️ was really confused and she had to explain to me how she had found his mom’s Facebook because her mom was friends with his or something, and he was actually FOURTEEN. HE WASN’T EVEN A FRESHMAN YET. I️ was about to be a junior.

But this kid had lied to me, and he was beginning to get on my nerves anyways. But the fact he was fourteen really pushed me over the edge. The next day I️ FaceTimed him, ready to dump him, but - oh my god - I️ was not prepared for what I️ saw.

An unsolicited LIVE dick. I️ didn’t know what to do with myself. I️ literally just said, “What the fuck Jake, don’t talk to me ever again.”

Newly traumatized, I️ hung up and ignored him, even when he apologized on every social media platform, blocking him on each one as he reached out to me.

Since the summer I️ have been branded by the name of a Sixteen Year Old Cougar by my friends. The moral of the story here is obviously - do ya research.