Help! My best friend and I sext!!


( yes I’m sorry ik this is every where but I need advice). My best friend is a guy, and the last six months or so we started playing dirty 21 questions and would you rather and just dirty questions in general. We’ve never spoken about it in person but we’ve given each other looks, like “ I know what you were doing last night” . It gets so personal that we end up telling and asking each other last time we masturbated and what to, we also know each other’s biggest fantasy’s, we both know that we are friends but know there is some sexual tension he also told me his dick size. I don’t know what to do like should I raise it with him or just keep “sexting him” I also found out that he had been molested this year, we are really close obviously, just give me advice please! ( I also just really wanted to tell someone because no one else knows) just please give your thoughts and opinions/ advice!!!

Update: I haven’t spoken to him in a couple of days since a friend of mine was over and Was texting him also( not like I do though) i know he’s seen my texts though! Maybe she said something about me? She doesn’t know anything about him though