Constant diarrhea + mini pill

I’m 4 months PP, and for the past three months I’ve had diarrhea EVERY DAY. It’s so bad, I’ll feel fine one moment and the next I’m sick. If I don’t get to the toilet right when it hits too I can’t hold it - luckily I discovered that at the house. I’ve not had a normal BM in over three months. At first I thought it was just my body going back to normal because my daughter literally tore my insides out lol, but now I’m wondering if maybe it’s the BC I’m on? I’m on the mini pill. Has this happened to anyone else? My doctor can’t see me until Feb, should I push to be seen sooner? I didn’t tell the receptionist what was going on so she didn’t make me an appt for sooner. Help, this is miserable. I can’t even leave my house for the fear I’ll use it on myself :(