Husband or roommate

I'm no longer feeling a connection with my husband, he's either playing a game on his phone or watching TV whenever our toddler isn't demanding attention from one of us. He's a good Dad, but the effort is gone in our marriage. We don't have sex, we don't have conversations, I try to talk to him and he's usually so enthralled in his phone that he doesn't respond or gives me just enough of an answer to pass. I keep trying but I'm so tired of being one sided. (No I haven't let myself go I am the same size 4 from when we were married.) idk if he's depressed or what, but I'm lonely. I've told him this many times but nothing is improving, nothing changes. If we ever go on a date it's my idea, I find the babysitter, and he usually complains about work or an aliment the whole time. I don't know if I should just not be emotionally dependent on him anymore or what...