Hypotonia (Chronic Low Muscle Tone)


hello :) my name is Megan. I'm almost 20 years old and currently in college perusing a major in dance. I was born 2.5 months early (30 weeks) and suffered a stroke in utero that left me with hypotonia. hypotonia causes all of the muscles in my body to be much more loose. they have a hard time building muscle and maintaining it as well as I have severe hyperbile joints. this has caused a lot of pain, scoliosis and also permanent nuropothy (nerve pain) caused to a crushed nerve. due to the low tone and nurve issues im also very prone to injury. i had 4 bouts of tendonitus, one mild sprain and one severe sprain in just one semester.

I'm really curious if anyone else is in this boat... I've never met anyone else with it. it's been a stugle getting a dance degree and being disabled. I feel quite alone as most if not all of my peers are in excellent physical condition where as I'm on several medications a TLSO back brace and TENZ unit.