My friend likes my bully.

So my friend of 7 years has recently showed me her real colors... at least I just now noticed them. Her and I don’t ever really fight much due to her not being very stubborn.. which makes our friendship a lot easier. BUT- recently I’ve been getting bullied every week by this boy in our grade. He makes fun of me for my weight, he trips me up the stairs, he even throws food at my table during lunch (like a child.)

He doesn’t really bother as much anymore, but it still hurts every now and then. My friend told me that she has a “crush” on him due to him being hot which hurt my feelings. She’s seen me cry over him and she’s even seen him do these things before. I reminded her that he bullies me and she said “I know but I think he just means it as a joke.” This really made me angry and I told her that she’d be upset if I supported her bully rather than her if she ever got one.. during this she just smiled and looked out the bus window. This must seem childish and I know it is but I’m not going to talk to her anymore due to her supporting him. I just want to make sure I’m not being over dramatic about this. Btw it’s our first year of high school so it’s not like I’m in the third grade😂 people suck.